
Monthly E-News: May 2023

Dear Reader,It is an exciting moment to share VaCNets virtual Hub e-news for the month of May 2023! At the Hub, the month of May was dedicated to reflection, and active listening to Hub subscribers. Read on to discover what this entailed.Inside this issue

  • Hub Highlight for May 2023
  • New Evidence on the Spot
  • Upcoming Hub Webinar
  • Capacities for VAC prevention
  • Developments in the evidence field

Hub Highlight for May 2023Hub reflection on its work was a key focus in the month. It spanned beyond Hub site functionality (visitors to site, file uploads and downloads etc.) to actual value addition the Hub makes to subscribers and site visitors. Difficult questions such as what knowledge is accessed by particular Hub visitors, how is that knowledge put to use, and what benefits emerge from user’s application of accessed knowledge were part of the reflection process. Consequently, VaCNets Hub site upgrade was commissioned to include among others features that allow basic interaction with hub guests as well as enable access to feedback on utilization of Knowledge accessed from Hub site. As the upgrade commences, keep interacting with the new interface and respond to interactive messages that may pop up while navigating the site. New Evidence on the SpotThe Hub worked collaboratively with the Population Council (Kenya) to summarize its 2020 research report titled Asking and telling: An assessment of the feasibility of screening children for sexual violence in Kenyan school and health facility contexts into a research brief. Visit the evidence page of VaCNets Virtual Hub site accessible here to read this new evidence under Kenya Country Research briefs and share your feedback by clicking on the readers comment section.Upcoming Hub WebinarThe Hub Webinar Series Calendar for the next six months was shared out with Hub subscribers. We anticipate a lot of experience sharing, information exchange and learning on Violence against Children (VAC) prevention through monthly webinar sessions. The next webinar will be held on 21st June 2023 on the topical issue – ‘Defining evidence in VAC prevention’. If you are new to VaCNets virtual Hub and would like to participate in the Webinar, visit Hub site to complete subscription form under Hub users page and submit. Upon subscription, you will receive information about upcoming webinar and will be updated about subsequent Webinars.Capacities for VAC preventionTo practitioners who have been in the field of child protection for years, programming for prevention of Violence Against Children (VAC) sounds obvious and yet it is not always the case in practice. VaCNets Hub April 2023 baseline assessment among its subscribers in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda points to some discrepancy between knowledge levels and practice of evidence-based programming. Nevertheless, Hub subscribers who have accessed and read through the Introductory guide on evidence-based programming also accessible here have confirmed its relevance, comprehensiveness and user-friendly language as well as provided constructive feedback on areas for further improvement. We applaud, Change Development Initiatives; FAWE Uganda; Multi Community Based Development Initiative; Network Against Female Genital Mutilation -Tanzania; Single Parents Champions Foundation Uganda; Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (Uganda); and Safe Island for Women, for the feedback and committing to put the guide to practical application within their VAC programming and or advocacy work. Over the coming months, we look forward to hearing their individual experiences on use of the guide, and we encourage more organizations to test out the guide and share with us feedback from its application.Developments in the Evidence fieldThe evidence field is growing with emergence of new initiatives. At the global level, USAID Evidence-Based Localization Agenda presents an opportunity for learning and further reflection on the kind of evidence needed to functionalize localization agendas for development across fields and sectors.  Click here   to learn more.Thank you for reading our news – Share with us your feedback via email below. We also invite brief articles from organizations that are generating and using evidence in prevention of VAC across East Africa for inclusion in our subsequent e-news.  Email us on:  [email protected]Best wishes, VaCNets Virtual Hub Coordinator

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