
Monthly E-News: July 2023

Dear Reader,VaCNets Hub e-news for July 2023 is right here. Enjoy the news!Inside this issue

  • Hub high light for July 2023
  • Growth in Hub Subscribers 
  • Global classification of Violence against children
  • Upcoming solution Hub on Childhood Sexual Violence

Hub Highlight for July 2023Commencement of organizational experience sharing about designing, implementing and measurement of change from violence against children prevention programs at the July 2023 Hub webinar was an important step in the journey towards shared learning. Bantwana (Uganda) and Kigwe Socio-Economic Development and Training (Tanzania) sharing was based on their interventions i.e., Village Child Case Management Committee Model (VCCM) and Supporting Children with disabilities to access education respectively. Outstanding was the reference to evidence as basis of both interventions i.e., VCCM (Bantwana internal evaluation studies); and Children with disabilities intervention (based on Haki Elimu Assessment study in Tanzania). Relatedly, a common gap shared was limited use of research / scientific methods in measuring change in violence against children (VAC). Future webinars will build on lessons and gaps shared.Growth in Hub subscribers Hub partnership with individuals and institutions passionate about preventing VAC is affirmed upon subscription as Hub users through the Hub site accessible here.  Hub subscriber numbers have been steadily growing and in July 2023, the Hub registered 5 more subscribers from the following organizations – Green Community Initiatives (Tanzania), Bantwana (Uganda), SOS Children’s villages (Uganda), Sexual Violence Research Institute (South Africa), and University of Oxford (UK). Visit VaCNets Hub site today and register as Hub user to be considered a partner in the Hub’s evidence agenda on prevention of VAC in East Africa. New classification of Violence against ChildrenThe varied definitions of violence against children are synonymous with the diverse measurement frameworks and results interpretation even for the similar types of violence. A solution to this challenge is here – International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC) by UNICEF (June 2023). Upcoming Solution Hub on Childhood Sexual ViolenceSolutions to widespread violence against children are a growing priority in efforts to fast-track attainment of Sustainable Development Goal Target 16.2 – to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children.  Similar to VaCNets virtual Hub aspiration, a global level solutions Hub on childhood sexual violence that recognizes practice-based knowledge alongside research generated evidence is underway to be hosted by the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) based in South Africa. It is no doubt that the global solutions hub in the offing is indicative of VaCNets Virtual Hub relevance in East Africa in serving as a central repository of local knowledge and evidence on what works in prevention Violence against Children.Thank you for reading our e-news. Send us your evidence write up or news for inclusion in next e-news issue.VaCNets Virtual Hub Email:   [email protected]Best wishes, VaCNets Virtual Hub Coordinator

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